Effective February 1, 2015 our price list and service agreement will be modified as noted below. Existing clients will not see an increase in their monthly fees, and their hourly rate will be grandfathered in. New clients will be billed at the new rates and all clients will be subject to the revised terms listed below.
Server Updates!
It is hard to believe that it has already been two years since our last major hardware updates. Though we continue to keep the CPanel, Web Host Manager, PHP other software continuously up to date, ever so often new hardware is required, and we have begun discussing server upgrades for the first half of 2015 (before July). If you have certain periods that would work better for you, let us know. If there are definite time periods that would cause problems, be sure to make us aware of those. Eg, florist, candy sites have to be fully functional around St. Valentine’s Day.
The upgrades will go much smoother with less data to copy to the new server so (you guessed it), it’s time to give all the sites, mail accounts and databases the once over and get rid of the archived and unneeded data between January and March. Be sure to back up any files you may want to preserve so we can avoid burdening the new server.
New Pricing as of 1 February 2015
Note: Current clients will not see any increase in their established monthly fees or hourly charges for extra work.*
Hourly Rates
Hourly HTML and Graphic Design $105/hr
Hourly PHP, Databse and WordPress Programming $155/hr
Hourly Audio/Video Production $215/hr
Wordpress Training (2 hrs) $375
SEO and Social Media Training $550/hr
WordPress Special $2750
Install and Configure WordPress
Install and Customize Selected Theme
(Selected from ThemeForest, CyberChimps or similar)
Import and Style Content
SEO & Social Media Optimization
A La Carte
Install and Configure WordPress $1250
Install and Customize Selected Theme $975
Install Woo Commerce or other cart $1550
Install BuddyPress Social Network or other plugins $100-$950
Server and Security Certificate Setup $250 (annual)
Hosting/Service Packages*
Shared private server, unlimited email/bandwidth and one hour per month $75.
Shared private server, unlimited email/bandwidth and two hours per month $125.
Shared private server, unlimited email/bandwidth and four hours per month $210.
Dedicated virtual server with partial support $300/month. Service hours extra.
Dedicated virtual server with two service hours and full technical support $500/month.
Add-on domains $5 per month per domain.
Dedicated IP for shopping cart, security certs, etc $50/month.
Social Media Promotion Packages
Initial Analysis and Setup Facebook, Twitter, Linked In, etc. $750
Social Media Training and Annual Support $250
Weekly Blog Posts $60/each, $225/month for 4 posts
Bi-Weekly Facebook/Twitter posts $250/month for 10-16 posts
30 Second “Slideshow” Video with Voice-over $150/each
Restrictions, Limitations, Conditions and Policies for All Clients, Effective February 1, 2015
*Up to 8 monthly service plan hours can be “banked” for future use! Hours over 8 are forefit.
*Service plan hours are doubled for Arts and Non-Profits only when paid on time!
*One web site per account
*Late payments (received after the first of the month) will be subject to a 50% reduction in bankable time for that payment.
*Accounts over 30 days past due will be placed on hold, and no additional work will be done until payment is received.
*Accounts over 60 days past due will be suspended. Payment is due on the first day of the month of service.